Thursday, February 28, 2013

Flickr - and something new too

Looked at the flickr lesson again, and I must say I don't think I've been to flickr since the first time I did this course. Online photo sharing has moved on so much in more recent times. Everyone who's on facebook is sharing and tagging pictures which is really handy; people can see your holiday photos while you're still on holiday! And now that I have a tablet I have discovered the art of making photo collages so that instead of uploading a bunch of photos to facebook, I can group them together and do cool stuff with it. Then you just upload the one collage. One other cool thing I have discovered is historypin. Lot's of old photos on there (as well as new ones) and even what they call tours where they can superimpose a recent picture with an old picture of the same scene - the Beatles tour was a lot of fun. So anyway, my time is up so I'll end it here. Ciao

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