Sunday, March 9, 2008

Okay, now I'm getting really adventurous (if you know me personally, I'm not very adventurous at all!). I checked out 3 of the listed wikis.

SJCPL subject guides was okay, the layout was good and had had everything in categories, made it easy to use. Wasn't very flash though, rather plain.

Booklovers wiki was excellent, with all the different categories, and book reviews. This one I could even recommend to borrowers if they ask.

I then looked at Wookieepedia...and found it was a (no surprises here) Star Wars wiki. I'm not really into Star Wars that much, but the page was interesting nonetheless. And that gave me an idea. I did a google search and came up with , which is absolutely brilliant. If you happen to be a James Bond fan (which I am) then this is the place to go!

The wiki lesson was interesting, has opened up a few more little worlds to explore, now I'm rockin'

Auf weidersen (apologies for the spelling!)

Week 4 RSS

Okay, have done RSS now, but can't say I'm rapt with it. Not that I don't think it's useful, just not something that I would be likey to spend much time using. Since I don't read newspapers, there's not a lot of point signing up to news feeds or stuff like that.

I did, however, like the Powerhouse Museum photo of the day, that was good. Have also signed up to a couple of other things I AM interested in, so will try to check them out occasionally if I can remember!.

I have reached the point where I'm dying to get to the youtube part of the course.

Until next time, au revoir!