Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Answer boards

Oooeee, got through 2 topics in the one sitting! TV wasn't too hot tonight anyway.

Read the notes, went to the librarians answerboard wiki, and liked what I saw. Looked up a couple of questions, I love how everyone jumps in with an answer, as well as the librarians who are on the site. It is a little like the "list" I'm on with ALIA. I've signed up to a reader's advising list, which is really good. If someone has a query on something such as trying to find a book and they don't know what it's called, they post the plot, and usually someone out there has read it. Another example is looking for suggestions for contemporary science fiction authors for some of your clients. I really enjoy being part of this list, I find it may come in useful...someday, someone may ask me the same question.

The only problem with lists as opposed to answer boards, is that your inbox gets pretty full because every post gets sent to you!.

Anyway, for now, that's all folks!

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

I am glad you are finding the lists helpful. There is a forum set up by the RISG group which is like an answer board for librarians about library things - have a look at it here

Ellen (PLS)